President’s Statement


Speaking as the head of the EMS TEAM, I couldn’t be more proud of the group of TEAMsters on my slate.

A TEAM pulls in the same direction.

A TEAM is relentless.

A TEAM is focused on a plan and takes directions.

A TEAM puts the effort in to represent the members and the organization.

I feel I chose wisely. I feel I have put together the most cohesive, hardest working TEAM to fight this company and promote Unionism.

Anyone in good standing can run.

If there was a team/slate running so be it but there isn’t.

It’s odd that I am not being run against because I welcomed that.

If someone wanted to actually create a strategy, a course of action and a mission statement wouldn’t they run for the position that leads the team and sets tone?

What’s even odder is that people think I’m interested in trades or free agency. I’m not. This isn’t the NBA or MLB at the trade deadline. I have added members and will continue to do that when needed with like minded TEAMsters that fit the EMS mold. I have my TEAM and I wouldn’t change it for the world because I know the passion, dedication and camaraderie we have.

Ballots go out next Monday Nov 4.

Vote count is Dec 3.

5,400 full timers in package, 22.2, 22.3, feeder, Porter, carwash, fulltime air and 2,600 part timers in this great Local yet last election only 2,393 voted.

It’s put up or shut up time again to send UPS an overwhelming message.

Vote EMS